
The Isnad Community Education Center works to fill educational gaps in Dahria town, south of Palestine. The center is the first of its kind in the area to combine in-class and community-based learning to promote both learning and community development using a variety of formal and informal approaches. The center aims at strengthening the educational capabilities and skills of students of different age categories through a variety of specialized training courses in fields like languages, social media, planning, and arts. It also aims to enhance youth engagement in their communities through organizing voluntary initiatives and interventions in different localities.

Although ámaxa has been working with ISNAD from its very first cohort, we strongly believe that the partnership is more important today than ever. Due to the Israeli occupation, most Palestinians can’t travel outside of Palestine. This, in conjunction with the war currently going on, has made many Palestinian students feel more isolated than ever. It has also made consistent, high-quality education a struggle, as the unpredictability of war affects every aspect of students’ lives.

ámaxa works with Isnad to connect Palestinian students with other students from around the globe. These connections not only help Palestinian students feel a bit less isolated, but also help ámaxa students get a clearer understanding of what Palestinians are going through, and the gravity of the situation there. Students in the past have helped teach English to students, increase the community center’s presence on social media, and worked to create Accesifyed: an interactive website to host custom English lessons for Palestinian students.