
This project was born out of ámaxa's realization that there are some serious gaps in the mental health field. It is simply too complicated for people who are struggling to access the information and resources they need. The information is out there, but it is split between numerous websites and numerous pages on those websites. A person shouldn’t have to click 50 times to get a comprehensive list of resources available and/or local to them. That’s where the first aspect of the MHFA project comes into play. ámaxa teams are working to compile a comprehensive database of mental health resources at the country, state and local level. The goal is to have a comprehensive database where, no matter where you are located, you can find help, resources, and community.

Relevance is also a struggle. Lighting a candle o r listening to happy music is not an effective solution for someone suffering from a panic attack, for example. This is where the second aspect of the MHFA project is introduced: a mental health first aid course. The goal is to have a course that draws a line between the self-care practices that have been popularized in popular culture and mental health first aid, while also recognizing the intersectionality of the two. ámaxa teams are conducting outreach and interviews with leaders in the field of youth mental health. Conversations with these researchers and educators will form the backbone of the mental health course we hope to develop and implement in schools worldwide. Our vision is to bring mental health education and practices into classrooms, clubs and more through peer to peer conversation, teaching and learning!

“It’s great to spread awareness, like mental health month, but also not everybody that spreads awareness understands the true underlying factors that go with mental health issues, how to recognize different symptoms. I really like how this project is conveying that spreading awareness is just not enough in order for people to truly understand mental illness.” -Summer 2024 Student on our MHFA team